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February 2015 Newsletter

February 26, 2015

Central Aroostook Historical Society Newsletter

Blaine-E Plantation-Mars Hill-Robinson-Westfield

Lobster Pot Building Restoration Project

The former Lobster Pot octagonal building which may have begun its life as a municipal well house in Blaine around the turn of the century is shown in the pictures above. It was moved to a residence near the intersection of US Route 1 and Libby Road probably sometime around the 30’s then in the 60’s was moved again and became part of the Lobster Pot Restaurant. The building was moved to Grove Street in the late 80’s and became a playhouse for grandchildren. Jen Tweedie gave the building to the historical society and the Central Aroostook High School Woodshop is in the process of restoring the structure. The photos show the building on Grove Street, its move, then some of the work at the High School. The goal is to have the two pieces restored by the end of the school year after which they will be moved to Blaine and assembled near the former Grange building at 58 Military Road.

Former Grange Building Roof Replacement Project

The south side of the former Grange building has been reroofed at a cost of about $5,800. There were two to three layers of shingles which were removed before new shingles were installed. We estimate that it will cost $15,000 to complete the project. Plans are to canvas several local businesses for financial support plus seek grants again. The work to date was funded by a $5,000 grant from the Aroostook County Fund of the Maine Community Foundation and $500 from the Rotary Club of Mars Hill.

Wheelchair Access Project for the Former Grange Building

When the former Grange building was constructed in 1948 the design included a split level entry way. There are about five steps down to the basement and about 8 up to the main floor. A review of facility by a Maine Fire Marshall’s Office representative noted several fireproofing and access issues which need to be addressed before the public can be invited into the building on a regular basis. We plan to seek grants for design and construction for both issues.

Library Projects Related to Local History

The Walter T. Hansen Memorial Library secured donations from the Mars Hill Rotary Club and others to have the Mars Hill View newspapers digitized. This was a local paper active from the early 1900’s into the 40’s. The digitized version is available at The newspapers are searchable by word which is a huge improvement.

The Library has also secured a grant to scan all ACI and CAHS yearbooks.

Membership Information

There are now about 30 Central Aroostook Historical Society members including individuals, families, and corporations. It is time to pay our annual dues which can be sent to the historical society at P. O. Box 293, Mars Hill, Maine 04758. Dues are $10 for students, $15 for individuals, $25 for families, and $100 for corporations. Please encourage others to join because membership dues are an important part of our funding.

Website Design

Marge Yeager has volunteered to design and start up a website for the Central Aroostook Historical Society. An example of one she designed for a pizza restaurant is at We will provide Marge with content and feedback.

Save Historical Items

When cleaning out, moving, downsizing, or just going over your old materials, please consider donating anything that might have local historical interest to the Historical Society by contacting any of the officers listed below.


If you have questions about the historical society, please feel free to contact Steve Hitchcock-President, Wendy Grass-Vice President, Betsy York-Secretary, or Ryan Shaw- Treasurer.

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